
Love Notes

Here we share with you some of the wonderful feedback we have been honoured to receive from brides we have worked with in the past . . .

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My commitment to you

A positive process, tailor-made to suit the agenda of each individual bride which is a totally holistic process addressing the needs of the whole person

A vehicle for raising awareness and encouraging responsibility

A means of motivating and facilitating people to achieve their true potential through setting and achieving self-defined goals

A powerful process designed to match each bride’s goals to their values

Based on the premise that all bridess are creative and resourceful with the ability to elicit their own solutions

A means of providing a fresh perspective on each unique situation and exploring a range of options

Designed to keep brides on track, celebrate their successes and achieve their dream wedding day


A partnership which challenges brides to recognise and build on their strengths, explore their current reality and find positive ways to make changes and move forwards